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Information for the manufacturer:

Thermally insulated roofing system designed based on the MORAD AF-50 mullion and beam façade. The system enables construction of various shapes of walls and roof surfaces of the winter garden. Thanks to the use of solutions that improve thermal insulation, winter gardens of the AD-50 system can be used all year round. The advantage of the system is the possibility of building a roof supported by a hinged profile on the horizontal beam of the eaves. The hinge profile allows the roof to be tilted in the range of 5-45° from the horizontal. The eaves beam supports the external gutter to drain rainwater from the roof. The vertical walls of the winter garden can be built with any MORAD window and door system. Both the rafters and the eaves beam can be reinforced with standard aluminum or steel profiles, allowing the size of the winter garden structure to be increased. Possibility of using roof fillings made of glass and cellular polycarbonate. The roof glazing range is from 16 to 56 mm. The system is complemented by EPDM seals and membranes that ensure adequate water and windproofness, as well as PVC and foamed PE insulators that provide adequate thermal insulation.

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